Week 2 in-class mapping.

Week 2 in-class mapping.


KZGW Online - Verzamelingen Zeeuwsch Genootschap online Single Object

Record of the quilt on the KZGW website.

Lappendeken, één van de oudst bekende lappendekens in Nederland

Piece from the Zeeuws Museum; the quilt is currently on display in the *No More Work* exhibition. The oldest known patchwork quilt is dated (inscribed) 1718 and can be seen at the Bath American Museum.

The object to be replicated in this project is a late 18th century quilt gifted to the Zeeuws Genootschap between 1882 and 1884. The donor, Cornelie Jacqueline de Waal, was also one of the society's earliest female members (initiated in 1915). Known primarily as a literary researcher, writer (poet) and teacher, she is also remembered as the first female lecturer of the KZGW. Her talk, held in her first year of membership, on the 1st of November was titled Een bijdrage tot de kennis van het geestelijke lied (A contribution to the knowledge of the spiritual song).

Cornelie Jacqueline de Waal, donor of the quilt and member of the KZGW (1915-?). Retrieved from *Geheugen van Nederland,* collectie Letterkundig Museum.

Cornelie Jacqueline de Waal, donor of the quilt and member of the KZGW (1915-?). Retrieved from *Geheugen van Nederland,* collectie Letterkundig Museum.

Literature Overview

Mapping our questions

Why Big Data Needs Thick Data: Ethnography Matters by Tricia Wang. Annotated.

Why Big Data Needs Thick Data: Ethnography Matters by Tricia Wang. Annotated.

Week 4: Mapping out the most important (according to us) aspects of our objects.

Week 4: Mapping out the most important (according to us) aspects of our objects.

Replicating the quilt/quilting


The Versatility of Contemporary Textile Art

Fast Fashion Industry

Mosaic facades

Image from "The Versatility of Contemporary Textile Art", Widewalls.ch.

Image from "The Versatility of Contemporary Textile Art", Widewalls.ch.



From Week 5 to 7, we have been preparing scenarios of our objects. These are the said ideas I have come up with, each taking forms informed by the object's history, symbolic meaning(s), function(s), etc. alongside other forms of art, the textile arts and industry today, and the role of women then and now.

Below are A3 preliminary mappings of each scenario, followed by more 'complete' maps that will be layered onto my first basic mapping of the quilt (pictured above).



First stage of scenario: a collage of 5x5cm squares (halved into triangles) cutout from images of H&M dresses. The accompanying photos juxtapose quilting bees (as depicted in art, and as seen in photographs) with the factories and workers of the fast fashion industry.

First stage of scenario: a collage of 5x5cm squares (halved into triangles) cutout from images of H&M dresses. The accompanying photos juxtapose quilting bees (as depicted in art, and as seen in photographs) with the factories and workers of the fast fashion industry.

The map-layer of the Fast-Fashion Patchwork. Included in this map is a consideration of the inscriptions which can be found on the original.

The map-layer of the Fast-Fashion Patchwork. Included in this map is a consideration of the inscriptions which can be found on the original.


First stage of the scenario mapping: a sketch of the menstrual pad outlining the basic idea of the reclamation of the female body.

First stage of the scenario mapping: a sketch of the menstrual pad outlining the basic idea of the reclamation of the female body.