Personal logbook

Research into the context of the object from different angles

Research into the context of the object from different angles

Week 2.Workshop with Yasinne Salihine

Notes on the Big data needs Think Data - Ethnography matters reading:

Why Big Data Needs Thick Data - Ethnography Matters - Medium.pdf

First exersize at the workshop with Yasinne Salihin

First exersize at the workshop with Yasinne Salihin

First exercise during the workshop with Yasinne Salihine

First exercise during the workshop with Yasinne Salihine

Report on exercises to do qualitative research by Yassine Salihine. The first exercise is shown left above. Mr. Salihine, asked us to write our favourite colour, country, smell, sound, food, and piece of clothing down in ten seconds. After that, he asked us to write everything we knew about this word, and what it meant to us in words. We needed to write this down in two minutes. Then he asked us to find the words we used the two or more times. These doubles or triples (our 'biases') we needed to write down (on the left) and then find the opposite from these words. When finished with this we needed to find words with these opposites and the categories of words we used.

This exercise was designed to find possible biases in your own research and to open up your point of view. It is like mind-mapping your mind. After this we did a second exercise to think about the what, where, when, how, why and who about our own object. To think of possible questions arising about our objects. This way we had a clear overview of the things we could research our object. To find qualitative data and not only quantitive data. Qualitative data is way more valuable for finding good data than quantitative data. A good article about finding qualitative data is in the article: Why Big Data Needs Thick Data shown below.

Picture gallery of several mending techniques

Darning a hole, source

Darning a hole, source

Darning a hole, source

Darning a hole, source

Repairing a Hedge-tear, Catch or Triangular. source

Repairing a Hedge-tear, Catch or Triangular. source

Different kind of tears and mending techniques, source

Different kind of tears and mending techniques, source

Stoplap, source

Stoplap, source

Stoplap, source

Stoplap, source

Stoplap, source

Stoplap, source

Darning with a darning egg, source

Darning with a darning egg, source

Darning, source

Darning, source

Several techniques of darning are shown in the web article from the historic stitcher shown below, source. There are several pictures, examples, and explanations in this article.



An web article on different ways to repair 'Moth Holes' from The Guardian.

[The Guardian, source](

The Guardian, source

[Spin off magazine, an article about combatting wool moths, source ](

Spin off magazine, an article about combatting wool moths, source

History and education