It is important to collect your points of interest, developing a way how to look the world and an attitude to approach it in an artistic manner. Keeping a sketchbook seems the best way to collect these thoughts, ideas in a personal and interesting way: a book to return to, to get inspired. A way to experiment and collect different strategies, through constantly observing, by looking at particular objects, situations, colors, shapes, texture, sound, stories, analysis.
Make drawings of what surrounds you, what you think is beautiful, interesting, take notes of ordinary things, a visual representation of the music you listened to, photos you took, things you don’t know yet what to do with, all visual things that somehow caught your attention. Try to analyse these images, their composition, meaning, or their shifting meaning when used in a different context, what does it tell at a second glance, who made the image and when? Focus more on images that trigger ideas, thoughts, instead of just an atmosphere. Think of how you can use, alter these images into an artistic statement. For example make a small note in which you capture the essence of a picture, of what you think is visually interesting in that particular image.
Next to the sketchbook write down your thoughts and ideas about art, design, reflections on the course, the things you can not draw in a logbook. So the sketchbook is purely visual while the logbook contains only text, this way you are challenged to use both means to register your surroundings/thoughts. Collect quotes, text clippings etc. as well. By using these two approaches you learn to formulate things in different ways, and discover their specific qualities.
The Black Square by Malevich, painted in 1915, is an iconic work of art in the Western hemisphere. One of the first artworks that doesn’t represent something, a representation of nature: "He wanted to completely abandon depicting reality and instead invent a new world of shapes and forms that belonged exclusively in the realm of art for art’s sake.’" (Source)
You can look at this painting as an end point, the last possible painting. However for this assignment it’s the starting point – to explore how has it influenced the future of painting. Research the period in which the work is made: was Malevich part of a movement, was the piece a reaction to his time, etc...? Choose a work of art or an artist you find interesting in connection to Malevich. This work could be the complete opposite, as long as your choice is well argued. Add another piece each week. Each one of you ends up with a completely different list. Create your own track through art history: make it a personal and exciting one!
Sketchbook, Elise Mertens, 2017
Sketchbook, Elise Mertens, 2017